Friday, December 16, 2011

Positive thoughts?

Tonight was a bit tough. I had another version of the stomach bug beginning yesterday and had to miss work today. Cami left this afternoon for 10 days with her dad. On the positive, I have several days to connect with friends, buy and wrap presents, and take time for myself.
Included in those "several days" are my former wedding anniversary, Christmas Eve, and Christmas. My parents always say, "it's just a day." I agree. MY Christmas is when Cami is home. However, knowing the rest of the Christians in the world are celebrating on Dec. 25 is a bit difficult. I can do it; I've done it for 10 years. Which brings me to the next point. I'm READY for a relationship. An adult relationship with a man. Yes. You heard me. I've done Match, Perfectmatch, eharmony, blind dates, set ups with friends of friends, blind dates... so what is the problem? Perhaps I wasn't as "ready" as I thought I was? Perhaps I haven't found the right person? No idea. But, I'm SURE NOW is the time. Okay? Help a girl out! :-)